Monday, June 23, 2008

Boy, It's a Monday!

It was hard to get going today. Too much to do and not wanting to do any of it. It's Tuesday and I really think it's a Monday. I have to finish cleaning. Not my favorite thing. At all. We talked to the concrete guy. 2,230 dollars to put in concrete pads. I need to call the guy to see how much it will cost to put an overlay on the porch. It can't be that expensive. At least I hope it can't be that expensive.

So, I'll call the overlay guy and make an appointment and then we'll use a stop gap on the sprinkler system and rob doesn't want me to get up on the roof by myself to paint the dormer, like I'm twelve and can't do it. So, I guess, it's time to paint the living room. How frustrating.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere!!

I've been trying to make the front porch look good. I've got to call the cement guy today and have him come out and look at the porch and the front walk way. Hopefully we can get that done. I've had about enough of the cracks and peeling paint. If we stain it, I'm doing it a dark brown. I want it to hide the water stains and all the things that land on it. I just know that anything he can do will make it look better.
Hopefully, I can get the dormer painted in the next two days. That has been driving me crazy as well. We also have to call the surveyor to come survey the back yard. We have got to have a new fence. The back is in really bad shape.
I'm planting the garden this week. It's a little late, but better late than never, especially with the price of food.
We have finally decided to take a small vacation. We are going to go to Lake Tahoe and then over to see Rob's cousin when he comes in.

First Project

Well, I completed a first project, not one on the list of projects that needs to be done outside, but one that has been bothering me for a while now. We have a couch and a chair that we have green covers on during the winter. A couple of summers ago, Rob decided that we needed a summer look. Cool! But, we had to get the covers made. The cushions were done, but the body of the couch and chair weren't. It took me some time, and a lot of creative piecing, because, of course I didn't have enough material. But, here they are.

thanks Mom for all the help. I couldn't have done the rest without you.