Have you ever looked at the amount of stuff you do in a day? Have you sat down, pulled out the paper, and listed everything you do in a day? I know I do when I've had more than enough of being the only one in the house who seems to be able to do anything. You know, when people you live with can't even put a glass in the dishwasher when they are finished with it. They can put it in the sink, but they can't put it in the dishwasher. Why is that? Is it impossible to make the transition from the sink to the dishwasher? These are thoughts that I am sure many women ponder on a daily basis, while they are working like crazy to take care of every other thing they have to do.
I took a class on Saturday, just a short 6 hour class. Now, in that six hours, I could have cleaned the entire house, baked bread, done at least three loads of laundry, some ironing, and maybe started on a sewing project. I love Rob, don't get me wrong, he tries hard, but in that same amount of time he washed six pots and some pans, did two loads of laundry, and cleaned up the bill pile. That's it. The house looks like heck, the bathroom really needed to be cleaned and ..... well, I could go on and on, but why. It's impossible to explain why it's a problem. It's also impossible to understand why they think this small amount of stuff is applaudable and that they should get a standing ovation for doing it.
I guess I should just be thankful that he did something. Did I mention that he didn't put the stuff he washed away? He just left it on the counter.
Today, I'm going to go home and throw something in the crockpot and then start working on a sewing project for Lilly for chanukah. I've got three such projects to do, and so much correcting that I can't see over the pile on my desk. I'm so ready for the break I can hardly stand it. But, it'll all eventually get done and I'll eventually not feel like I'm being covered in stuff.
School Started!!
14 years ago
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